
Well, I got as far as Adam and Eve representing the human condition and I was done. Adam and Eve as a story says that women are always wrong and these poor men are at their mercy. God is on men's side and cast people out into a desert of difficulty all because of those stupid women who like Satan not God. Men and society have hated women ever since just because they were women. You can lay all crimes against females in the Abrahamic world (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) to this human condition story. Yes, that includes infant girls. This is the essence of evil and this story is at the root of the Abrahamic tradition. You support this. Wow.



Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.